What we offer our clients


What we offer.
We strive to stand out from the rest.

  • Honest advice.
    We strive to add value - not a quick sale.
  • You pay only for the space you use on the Server.
    A small business or large corporate business pays the same hosting fee. 
  • Adequate server data transfer (Traffic/Bandwidth) supplied.
    When potential clients or visitors land on your pages, how fast does your website load and how long does it take to load all the content on your web pages - and if the latter takes too long ... how long does it takes for prospective clients to get frustrated, bored and ultimately leave your website.

    We strive for 100% success rate in your visitors having an
    enjoyable browsing experience on your website from the first page to the last.
  • This is mostly determined by data transfer, commonly known as traffic or bandwidth. Faster loading pages and more efficient websites have better bandwidth.
  • Bandwidth refers to the amount of bytes per second transferred when visitors open pages on your website. Therefore, finding a business hosting provider that offers quality bandwidth is vital.

    Most often, businesses get fooled with the “unlimited bandwidth” promises. In reality, a provider may pass on the costs if you consume lots of bandwidth.

    Avoid the temptation to go for “unlimited bandwidth” providers.
    There is nothing like unlimited bandwidth! It is always limited somewhere in the Terms of Service.
  • We encourage business owners to check how much
    bandwidth the business web hosting provider allows
    and whether that meets their business’s needs.

  • We ensure our clients plan for the future. 
    Remember, as your business website grows, visitor traffic obviously increases and thus the need for adequate bandwidth from your ICT hosting company.
  • We offer 5 exciting data hosting packages.
    Bandwidth requirements vary between websites. For instance, most basic sites require around 500mb of bandwidth monthly. But most business owners do not take into consideration the amount of email send and receive will use of the data bandwidth hosting p/m.
  • Via our world class server control panel we can increase or decrease data hosting packages in real time. 
    Do you worry how many data bandwidth your website traffic and email traffic require per month? No worries. NLC adjusts data hosting p/m an din real-time.
  • New email addresses created in a flash.
    Via our world class server extra email addresses can be created and be operational in 20 minutes.